Certified Google Ads Specialists and Native Ads: Can They Go Hand-in-Hand?

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Can They Go Hand-in-Hand?

While a certified Google Ads specialist is knowledgeable in Google Ads and other advertising platforms, it does not necessarily mean they are experienced in running Native Ads. Native advertising is a different type of advertising than Google Ads, and requires a specific skill set and knowledge base.

That being said, a certified Google Ads specialist may still be able to run Native Ads if they have experience and expertise in this area. It’s important to ask about their experience and track record with Native Ads specifically before hiring them for this type of advertising.

If you’re looking to run Native Ads, it may be best to work with a specialist who has specific experience and expertise in this area. This can help ensure that your Native Ads are effective and efficient, resulting in a positive return on investment (ROI).

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